April 21, 2011
Here's another video from Hawaii. We're in Chinatown eating Vietnamese food and while we waited we were having fun with Kya. Enjoy.
April 10, 2011
Ky Bear World!
In Hawaii, we ran into a Teddy Bear World Store (don't know if that's the actual name) and as you guess, it's a store with teddy bears galour. The vid only shows the store part of it, upstairs was a museum of teddy bears (I'm assuming they were dressed up as celebrities and such). She was so happy there.
April 5, 2011
Hawaiiiiiii Part Deux
Day 4:
Today we traveled to the city of Hilo on "The Big Island" where we went to see a volcano and waterfalls.
First, we started off taking a helicopter ride to see a couple of waterfalls, it was kinda crappy because it just seemed like a river since we were soo high up. I didn't even know what I was looking at at first. lol. Then we passed by an active volcano, by active I mean, it still erupts from time to time, most recently was a few weeks ago..?, it wasn't erupting as we were there. We also go to see the area where the lava flow went, basically wiping out everything in its path. As it pours into the water it actually increases the land, it's added 150 acres to the island since... i dunno when. It was cool to see, it would have been better tho if I wasn't for the motion sickness :( basically from the start as well, it sucked. Note to self: stay away from helicopter rides and paddle boats.
Secondly, we rented a car, stopped off to get Pho and then to the Volcano National Park. At the park, you are able to see different things like a steam vent (exactly what it sounds like lol), see the volcano the erupted on march 6 (eva's birthday), as it was still steaming, and walk in a lava tube. The lava tube was cool, it was a tube the lava used to flow in a long time ago, it was wet and kinda creepy, it had lights so it wasn't too bad. It was broken into two parts, one with lights and one without. I would love to say that we went in both parts, but I didn't have a change of underwear with me. There were other things to do at the park such as walking on dried lava but parts of the park was closed, it sucked, but whatever.
Lastly, we traveled to a waterfall. There were several on the island but one fit our time frame so we went to it. It was a crappy one. There were no hot girls swimming underneath it, damn you hollywood movies and portraying waterfalls that way. The best part of that area was a forest that had one tree (shown below) that created/link to a large portion of all the trees. The pic is just the base of the tree. It was so big that you were able to climb it. There were a bunch of people climbing it and a couple must have been close to 30-40 ft up, I was scared for them.

Day 5:
The morning brought us to a large marketplace/flea market at the Aloha stadium. It had vendors lined up in the parking lot of the stadium making a circle. I was a typical marketplace, busy and repetitive (and freaken hot!). We bought some things there, I bought a few shirts that all the filipinos would enjoy.

Eva's dad ran into a friend that is a vendor there, so it was like a reunion. We ended up going to dinner with them. Kya liked using chopsticks for her noodles (below)

After the marketplace and chicken nuggets for lunch (20 for $4.99), the in-laws were nice enough to watch Kya as we went to the beach. It was nice to get a way for a little bit, just the two of us, and just chill... just chill for minute... (shout out to Saint Kris for making his second radio appearance, sorry we couldn't listen to it live).

It was pretty busy, lots of ppl out on the beach, play beach vball, bbq-ing, surfing, etc,. I would of loved to tried surfing, I didn't want to go by myself though....
Day 6:
A trip to Pearl Harbor. Today we visited the site of the famous Pearl Harbor attack in 1941. Now, it's built into a tourist attraction/memorial so there's just a lot of plaques and poster thingys to look at unless you pay extra to go into a submarine and do other things. Eva and fam already did those things, I didn't really need to so we walked around. There was a part of a sub that you could go in, and turrets that you could sit in tho. I did get a penny stamped with a Pearl Harbor logo from one of those machines.... and I used a canadian penny lol. suckers!

Dim sum time and bubble tea in Chinatown for lunch. The bubble tea was awesome, large cup only $3.50 and they used real fruit, as oppose to flavouring.
After lunch, another beach day! it was a shortened one tho, but still much appreciated. I cannot stress how much Ky Bear loves the water. She always starts off being shy and scared of it but ends up loving it and not wanted to go out. We go some cute pics of her on the camera but will upload on the computer once we get home.
I definately recommend Hawaii to those who can make it here. It is more than worth it over here. The place is amazing, the people are so friendly, the whole atmosphere is upbeat and exciting. I'm glad that we picked hawaii as the place for one of our last vacations for a while. To be honest, I didn't know how excited I should have been before coming here, but now that I'm here, I'm excited for the next time I'm coming back, Ballzout Reunion baby! ;) This is one place I could now cross off my list of must-see places, now only Vegas, LA/Hollywood, Europe (less chance of going, but still wouldn't mind), and Philippines/Asia.
I'm glad to be with someone that loves to live life the way I do, taking opportunities to try new things and go to new places without worries. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't be able to experience what I have in the last 10 years, Thanks baby! Love you lots! and Ky Bear is so freaken awesome.
Today we traveled to the city of Hilo on "The Big Island" where we went to see a volcano and waterfalls.
First, we started off taking a helicopter ride to see a couple of waterfalls, it was kinda crappy because it just seemed like a river since we were soo high up. I didn't even know what I was looking at at first. lol. Then we passed by an active volcano, by active I mean, it still erupts from time to time, most recently was a few weeks ago..?, it wasn't erupting as we were there. We also go to see the area where the lava flow went, basically wiping out everything in its path. As it pours into the water it actually increases the land, it's added 150 acres to the island since... i dunno when. It was cool to see, it would have been better tho if I wasn't for the motion sickness :( basically from the start as well, it sucked. Note to self: stay away from helicopter rides and paddle boats.
Secondly, we rented a car, stopped off to get Pho and then to the Volcano National Park. At the park, you are able to see different things like a steam vent (exactly what it sounds like lol), see the volcano the erupted on march 6 (eva's birthday), as it was still steaming, and walk in a lava tube. The lava tube was cool, it was a tube the lava used to flow in a long time ago, it was wet and kinda creepy, it had lights so it wasn't too bad. It was broken into two parts, one with lights and one without. I would love to say that we went in both parts, but I didn't have a change of underwear with me. There were other things to do at the park such as walking on dried lava but parts of the park was closed, it sucked, but whatever.
Lastly, we traveled to a waterfall. There were several on the island but one fit our time frame so we went to it. It was a crappy one. There were no hot girls swimming underneath it, damn you hollywood movies and portraying waterfalls that way. The best part of that area was a forest that had one tree (shown below) that created/link to a large portion of all the trees. The pic is just the base of the tree. It was so big that you were able to climb it. There were a bunch of people climbing it and a couple must have been close to 30-40 ft up, I was scared for them.

Day 5:
The morning brought us to a large marketplace/flea market at the Aloha stadium. It had vendors lined up in the parking lot of the stadium making a circle. I was a typical marketplace, busy and repetitive (and freaken hot!). We bought some things there, I bought a few shirts that all the filipinos would enjoy.

Eva's dad ran into a friend that is a vendor there, so it was like a reunion. We ended up going to dinner with them. Kya liked using chopsticks for her noodles (below)

After the marketplace and chicken nuggets for lunch (20 for $4.99), the in-laws were nice enough to watch Kya as we went to the beach. It was nice to get a way for a little bit, just the two of us, and just chill... just chill for minute... (shout out to Saint Kris for making his second radio appearance, sorry we couldn't listen to it live).

It was pretty busy, lots of ppl out on the beach, play beach vball, bbq-ing, surfing, etc,. I would of loved to tried surfing, I didn't want to go by myself though....
Day 6:
A trip to Pearl Harbor. Today we visited the site of the famous Pearl Harbor attack in 1941. Now, it's built into a tourist attraction/memorial so there's just a lot of plaques and poster thingys to look at unless you pay extra to go into a submarine and do other things. Eva and fam already did those things, I didn't really need to so we walked around. There was a part of a sub that you could go in, and turrets that you could sit in tho. I did get a penny stamped with a Pearl Harbor logo from one of those machines.... and I used a canadian penny lol. suckers!

Dim sum time and bubble tea in Chinatown for lunch. The bubble tea was awesome, large cup only $3.50 and they used real fruit, as oppose to flavouring.
After lunch, another beach day! it was a shortened one tho, but still much appreciated. I cannot stress how much Ky Bear loves the water. She always starts off being shy and scared of it but ends up loving it and not wanted to go out. We go some cute pics of her on the camera but will upload on the computer once we get home.
I definately recommend Hawaii to those who can make it here. It is more than worth it over here. The place is amazing, the people are so friendly, the whole atmosphere is upbeat and exciting. I'm glad that we picked hawaii as the place for one of our last vacations for a while. To be honest, I didn't know how excited I should have been before coming here, but now that I'm here, I'm excited for the next time I'm coming back, Ballzout Reunion baby! ;) This is one place I could now cross off my list of must-see places, now only Vegas, LA/Hollywood, Europe (less chance of going, but still wouldn't mind), and Philippines/Asia.
I'm glad to be with someone that loves to live life the way I do, taking opportunities to try new things and go to new places without worries. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't be able to experience what I have in the last 10 years, Thanks baby! Love you lots! and Ky Bear is so freaken awesome.

April 1, 2011
It's been awhile since I've been connected to the interwebs, that would be because we're currently in Hawaii. We've been here since tuesday night and it is amazing, the weather is nice (cloudy with some rain today tho), people some great hospitality and the sites are awesome. One thing that is difficult getting used to is the time difference here which is 6 hrs behind. So when we actually get to bed at night, around 11pm, it's 5am back home... pretty crazy.

Here is a view from our hotel room, Courtyard hotel (Thanks for the hook-up Matt).
Day 1:
Spent the day walking around everywhere, checking out the stores that we would never be able to afford such as Burburry, Ralph Lauren, LV, etc,. It was nice to look in :) Then we went to the beach, 6hrs in the sun. The water was refreshing. Ky Bear even came for a swim, she loves the water. The in-laws were brave and didn't put on sunblock for the first 4hrs or so... when I said "brave", I meant it b/c the ended up getting burnt. lol. Sorry I don't have pics to upload, i didn't bring my camera (all pics are uploads from my camera, and ones that I didn't have to rotate)
At night be walked around again. The night life is crazy here, lots of ppl walking the streets. We ended up going to a marketplace where we spent a lot of time at.
Day 2:
This day we went on a road trip to the Polynesian Cultural Centre. The way there took us along the coast, it was amazing! I wanted to stop everywhere I could just to take pics.
The PCC was where you can walk around and see the different lifestyles/cultures of Polynesia (Tonga, Fiji, Tahiti, etc). Each of them had their own show and games that you can interact in. I thought I would participate in a spear throwing contest. I know what you're all thinking, it's like Kinect javelin and I break records on it..., but it's nothing like that, it's under hand and you have a target. After two practice rounds, I shorted them both, so after Eva yells out "put some muscle in it!" I summoned my chee and let it go... right in the target! Catacutan Family represented! haha.

After that we watched some more shows (man, Tahiti dancers can shake their bootays), went to a luau (disappointing selection of desserts) and went to a big show. Basically all the different areas did their thing in a play-type-show of a man's journey through life. It was awesome... then they started going crazy spining fire and sheit, it was too carazy! I was in awe... the things they were doing boggled my mind, the speed and agility was too good. It was a good end to the show.

Above: a pic while we were waiting for one of the shows to begin.
Day 3:
The day started off with cocnut pancakes with coconut syrup, delicious! Not something I could eat everyday, but definately a change.
We traveled to the Dole Plantation, as you prolly already guessed it, it's where Dole juices grow their fruits. It was a nice site, we didn't actually walk around in the field since you had to pay but we walked around everywhere else. We have some pineapple ice cream, which Kya loved! (Below pic)

After that we traveled to a look out point which would have been a good site if it wasn't for the downpour of rain and the wind that made it soo cold. So, we went home early, hung out in the hotel and eventually went for dinner at a mall food court and walked around some more. While we were walking home Kya was falling alseep but we didn't want her too since she needed to take a shower, so we gave he a slight nudge and she woke up... for a second... she pulled herself up in the stroller and as she was leaning forward in her stroller she was sleeping, so cute!
And that was our first 3 days...

Here is a view from our hotel room, Courtyard hotel (Thanks for the hook-up Matt).
Day 1:
Spent the day walking around everywhere, checking out the stores that we would never be able to afford such as Burburry, Ralph Lauren, LV, etc,. It was nice to look in :) Then we went to the beach, 6hrs in the sun. The water was refreshing. Ky Bear even came for a swim, she loves the water. The in-laws were brave and didn't put on sunblock for the first 4hrs or so... when I said "brave", I meant it b/c the ended up getting burnt. lol. Sorry I don't have pics to upload, i didn't bring my camera (all pics are uploads from my camera, and ones that I didn't have to rotate)
At night be walked around again. The night life is crazy here, lots of ppl walking the streets. We ended up going to a marketplace where we spent a lot of time at.
Day 2:
This day we went on a road trip to the Polynesian Cultural Centre. The way there took us along the coast, it was amazing! I wanted to stop everywhere I could just to take pics.
The PCC was where you can walk around and see the different lifestyles/cultures of Polynesia (Tonga, Fiji, Tahiti, etc). Each of them had their own show and games that you can interact in. I thought I would participate in a spear throwing contest. I know what you're all thinking, it's like Kinect javelin and I break records on it..., but it's nothing like that, it's under hand and you have a target. After two practice rounds, I shorted them both, so after Eva yells out "put some muscle in it!" I summoned my chee and let it go... right in the target! Catacutan Family represented! haha.

After that we watched some more shows (man, Tahiti dancers can shake their bootays), went to a luau (disappointing selection of desserts) and went to a big show. Basically all the different areas did their thing in a play-type-show of a man's journey through life. It was awesome... then they started going crazy spining fire and sheit, it was too carazy! I was in awe... the things they were doing boggled my mind, the speed and agility was too good. It was a good end to the show.

Above: a pic while we were waiting for one of the shows to begin.
Day 3:
The day started off with cocnut pancakes with coconut syrup, delicious! Not something I could eat everyday, but definately a change.
We traveled to the Dole Plantation, as you prolly already guessed it, it's where Dole juices grow their fruits. It was a nice site, we didn't actually walk around in the field since you had to pay but we walked around everywhere else. We have some pineapple ice cream, which Kya loved! (Below pic)

After that we traveled to a look out point which would have been a good site if it wasn't for the downpour of rain and the wind that made it soo cold. So, we went home early, hung out in the hotel and eventually went for dinner at a mall food court and walked around some more. While we were walking home Kya was falling alseep but we didn't want her too since she needed to take a shower, so we gave he a slight nudge and she woke up... for a second... she pulled herself up in the stroller and as she was leaning forward in her stroller she was sleeping, so cute!
And that was our first 3 days...
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