February 7, 2011

MadBallerz Games 10 and 11

It's been awhile... so much footage and so little time. I will start posting more. Enjoy.

February 1, 2011

Who's Gonna Run This Town (Delta)

Well, you asked for it, so here it is. So those who doesn't know yet, every year for the Delta staff gala I've put together a music video, something fun.

This year we made a video to "Run This Town" by Jay Z. It is made with some of my banquet staff. It just gives the rest of the hotel an idea of who runs this hotel. lol. We bascially go around to every department and eff things up.

Usually I'm in front of the camera but this time I decided to direct. It worked out well because I've visioned this video for a while now, just didn't have the time to do it. I think this is the best video I've put together.

I special thank you to my banquet staff (Gill, Ryan, Shannon, Julie, Ryan, Meryl, Lily) for their great acting skills! Also to David, Edward, Emily S, Laura, and everyone else who helped us in the video (even though we were punking you guys lol)

BIG thank you to Meryl for the help with editing. Definately would have taken a lot longer without your help.

And Elisa for the help filiming and to my baby for the creative direction.
