December 19, 2010
Can you say...
Here's a little video for the family back home to get you excited for our visit in 4/5 days. We wanted to make sure that she and pronounce everyone's proper titles ie. Lolo (grandpa), Lola (grandma), Tito (uncle), Ninong (godfather) and Tater (Tater). She's so adorable! check it and enjoy.
December 14, 2010
MadBallerz Game 8 & 9
Since I started editing our basketball games, I've started to see more of what needs to be done on the floor by the team and especially me. The last \few games or so I've been able to zone in and focus on what I needed to do to help my team on the offense end.
In the start of the year, everything was rushed. and after watching film and studying nba PG's, I've made the game simple for myself... and for now it's worked. One commentator during a Celtics game said "Rondo is playin in slow motion right now, he can do anything he wants on the court." I'm not comparing myself to Rondo but I do want to get to that stage where I can make the game seem easy.
Anyhoo, sorry for wasting your time, I know you wanna get to the footage. Enjoy.
December 8, 2010
MadBallerz Game 6 & 7
I have a lot of catching up to do do I'll have the games caught up soon enough. Enjoy
November 24, 2010
Like a Bosh
TBJ exclusive: Like A Bosh from The Basketball Jones on Vimeo.
Here's a video that's been out for a few weeks. It's nicely done by the Basketball Jones from The Score. What makes it cooler is that Eva used to go to university with these guys and they went from podcast to cable tv. I think that this vid is the reason why Bosh is playing so well right now, it seems like it lit the fire and got him going. I've always liked Bosh so it's good to see, only if they can start winning as a team now........
November 22, 2010
MadBallerz Games 4 & 5
Alright, I know everyone's wondering where game 3 is... for the game, I accidently left part of the tripod at home so I couldn't set up the cam. Good thing too because we got smoked by a team that took us all by surprise. Because of that and our 2 game losing streak that we were just on, I won't be posting any scores (or our record) just so we don't embarass anyone dut to some of our lob sides victories....
November 14, 2010
MadBallerz come out and play....
It was a long time coming, but I finally uploaded our first two games. I will get the hang of using Adobe After Effect to make a more creative intro. This concept was inspired by "Inside the MOBB" by William B Greater and the MOBB crew up in Winnipeg.
I will have more footage up soon. Enjoy for now.
November 7, 2010
Ky Bear in a Box
Kya loved the Video (earlier post) of Dog in a Box starring Pogi and Tater so she decided to create her own.
Eva and I were watching tv when we heard a little whine and we looked over and saw Kya in a box that she was walking around with. It was so cute we had to run and get the camera and video camera.
November 2, 2010
Trick or Treat!
This year was Ky Bear's first Halloween that she was able to dress up and go around, last year she ws too young. As you can see from the pictures below she was a cute little cow.

We brought her to the mall for some trick or treating, that's something that they do here in Guelph. There were tons of kids, it was like Christmas with young people lol.

Afterwards we then went around to the cousin's houses so that they could see her costume... and get some candy.

We ended off the night with feeding her her first choclate bar (Aero), she thought it was delicious :)

We brought her to the mall for some trick or treating, that's something that they do here in Guelph. There were tons of kids, it was like Christmas with young people lol.
Afterwards we then went around to the cousin's houses so that they could see her costume... and get some candy.
We ended off the night with feeding her her first choclate bar (Aero), she thought it was delicious :)
October 24, 2010
Advanced Movement
As everyone already knows, Kya started walking a lil while ago. In a previous post she was only taking a few steps here and there and at a slow pace. Here's a newer video taken a few days ago. It's been so cute watching what she can get herself into now. Enjoy.
October 14, 2010
Too young to be too good
Video: Waiting Room Dance Off
I think that they must have found an old video of Saint, Mitch and I and decided to make their own...
October 7, 2010
I have a lot of cute vids that I've been keeping to myself, I know I know, it's selfish. So I'll start uploading more to keep everything up-to-date and excited for when we come up to kenora for christmas.
This is a random vid of when I was at work and my two girls were watching Avatar: The Last Air Bender cartoons. Enjoy
September 24, 2010
Here's a lil video taken back in february when the Guelph faction came to visit the fam in winnipeg. we were able to catch a mobb game, we've followed them all season long so to see them in person was cool. i was only able to get bits and pieces of the game tho, but you'll get the point. For the full(er) version please check out enjoy :)
September 21, 2010
She's on the move!
It's been a long since since she started walking but here she is. it isn't her first steps but it's her second session. We're so proud of her. She still prefers her push toys cuz she can motor with it tho. She also does a spider walk that is cute as heck, so check it and enjoy.
September 19, 2010
MadBallerz Logo
Hello All (MadBallerz and Non-MadBallers),
With a new season of basketball on the hoizon, that means a new season of MadBallerz. This year we would like to take the team unity up another notch and introduce two logos that we could use on warm up shirts. Chris and I were able to create these tonight and quite proud of how they came out. Lemme know in which one you like best.

Logo One

Logo Two
With a new season of basketball on the hoizon, that means a new season of MadBallerz. This year we would like to take the team unity up another notch and introduce two logos that we could use on warm up shirts. Chris and I were able to create these tonight and quite proud of how they came out. Lemme know in which one you like best.

Logo One

Logo Two
September 10, 2010
September 1, 2010
August 23, 2010
Baby Love
I totally forgot that I uploaded this on to YouTube. Well here it is. It is a section to the 1 year video that I put together for Kya. Enjoy
August 9, 2010
Kris and Chris Road Trip
Just last week Kris and Christine made their annual trip down to soutern ontario. After a rough start with Kya, who was miserable with a fever finally took a liking to them after two days (plus Kris needing to shave his facial hair).
When guests come down to Guelph, we like to be good host and expose the northerners to things that they can't get back home. The first night here we went to W Sushi, an all you can eat sushi restaurant. The next couple days were the usual, just relaxed and took in the summer days at home.
On wednesday, we all woke up early and made our way to Niagara Falls. First stop, the Factory One Outlets. Everyone bought a lil sum sum, except for me.. I had bigger plans for my money that day :P
After shopping we went to the Falls. Very hot day and the mist of from the falls did not do anything to cool us down. After some pics and vids we walked up Clifton Hills. For those who has never been, there is a lot of things to see from haunted houses, to Rippley's Believe it or Not, hand waxing place, to a large arcade which we were able to explore, check to vid to see what happens.
Eventually we ended up back at Fallsview Casino because that's where we parked. I thought it would be nice to show Kris the casino since he hasn't been here before. So after we got special instructions from the girls, which was "$20 only!" we took a look around. Kris has never played roulette so I gave him a tutorial. I played first and on the second spin I ended up hitting 14... and if you didn't know, that's my birthday and I had 4.5 chips on it so I ended up winning about $150... I was so excited that Kris decided that he might as well try it. On his first spin it came up 19... that didn't mean anything for me but it did for Kris that had 2 chips on it meaning that he won $72. So right away we were up... such a good feeling until i started getting texts like "your $20 should be done and you should be too" and "hellooooo?" when we didn't text back. lol. we ended up coming out +$135 and +$58 which is not bad for 20mins of gambling.
After that we made our way to TO to Korean BBQ or "the meat place" as Kris would call it. sooo much meat! haha. I have to admit, we were forcing it down at the end. After stuffing our faces, we made our way to get some crepes... there's always room for crepes! Nutella and bananas baby! sooo good.
We managed to fit two days worth of fun all in one day. What was more impressive is that Kris and Christine ended up starting their drive once we returned home at about 9:30pm. Don't know how you could do it cuz we pretty much passed out as soon as Kya went down.
All in all, it has been a summer with all the trips we've made and the visitors that came to visit. It is always nice to have family come down since I don't get to see them as often as I would like. Thank you all who has made there way here, we love you and miss you all already.
Eva, Kya, Pogi, Tater, and Shane
July 23, 2010
kya and papa fun
I know I've been slacking with the videos. I'll make a better effort from here on out.
Here's a cutsy video of lil chatter box ky bear and myself having a lil fun with the camera. Enjoy.
July 18, 2010
Smell like poo... poo poo
Man, I'm starting like to like Amir and the Young Guns more and more. Here's a vid of Amir... he's a funny dude. Enjoy.
(click on the video to get the full screen)
July 16, 2010
Amir and the Young Guns
These guys remind me of the Ballzout crew back in the day, cracking jokes on each other while still competing, etc. I enjoy seeing this side of players, it shows that they are down to earth like us.... just a bnuch of kids.... with millions of $... except for Sonny....
June 14, 2010
We are family...
It's been almost a week since the family left and I still think that when I walk into the house they would be there to greet me, but that's not the case.
I just want to say how much fun we've had having my mom, dad, mitch, and ant down for a week. It felt like a few days as oppose to a week.
I enjoyed the all food we ate, never letting our belly go below half, and all the drinks we drank, I haven't had that much beer in a week my whole life. Golfing, I did what I said I would, beat my bro, dad, and ant in the same day... by 6 strokes! ya, that won't happen again but at least I got to do it once. Although I blew up the second time around, I was abl to pull it together the last time and shoot a career course low at Cambridge golf course. Kya's 1st birthday, thank you for all the help, cooking, decorating, entertaining, etc,. Eva would have been more stressed if you guys didn't help. Baskeball, I'm not gonna lie, I was nervous to play a league game in front of you guys and I surely didn't want to disappoint, thank you to the endless support from the stands and that my dad didn't "boo" me. lol.
Thank you mom and dad for all the help around the house, babysitting Ky Bear, and all the financial support you gave us. Mitch, thank you for letting me beat you in golf, much appreciated :) miss having our lil bro to bro talks. tone, thanks again for coming down, like I told you it's never enough hanging out with you only once a year. hopefully you can make it an annual trip down.
I don't know when we'll see each other again but I hope it's sooner than later. Love you all.
June 4, 2010
Happy 1st Birthday Ky Bear!
Today we celebrate the first day of the cutest baby in the world. I thought the 9-10 months of pregnancy flew by but this past year seemed like a blur. You make me smile at any time during the day even when your not around. I hope to give you as much love as you bring me happiness.
Special thank you to all those who came and to enjoy this special occassion with us, as well as all the Birthday wishes to those who couldn't be here. Love you all.
You are now the centerprice of our family and mama and I are so proud to call you our baby. We love you so very much. Happy Birthday Ky Bear!
Mama, Papa, Pogi, and Tater
May 20, 2010
Who's cute?
Kya's learned some new things over the last lil bit. She was a bit camera shy but you get the point. Two weeks til the family and ant (also fam) will be down, can't wait.
May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day
May 8, 2010
Well the news is already out, so I might as well post it. Just make sure nobody tells my grandma, she won't be too impressed.
May 3, 2010
The Adventures of the Easter Bunny
Don't know if everyone knows yet, but we were blessed with the presence of the Easter Bunny this past Easter. Unfortunately I had to be at work so I didn't get to go with him around the neighbourhood... looked like a fun time.
April 28, 2010
April 14, 2010
Kya meets the Easter Bunny
So, at work I got the honour of working with the Easter Bunny and making everyone's day. I thought that I would give Kya a lil surprise and ask the Easter Bunny to come by the house. Here's how it played out.
March 31, 2010
Back in the days...
Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!
I finally found the vid of the show we did last summer....
March 24, 2010
Kya's first swimming... kinda
For Eva's birthday we decided to spend the night in TO where the hotel had a pool so that Kya can try swimming for the first time. I don't think she like the experience with all the noise and the water being a little cold. she did enjoy the bathtub afterwards though.
March 12, 2010
Happy Birthday Mitchell!
I just want to say Happy Birthday to my big little brother. Hope you enjoy the little video I've made for you as well as you day.
Love, Eva, Kya, Pogi, Tater, and Shane
March 10, 2010
You have somewher to go?
It is crazy how fast babies grow up. It seems like only yesterday when she couldn't handle being on her stomach. I've probably said it over and over but this is truly an exciting time for us with Kya learning to do some many different things. Hope you enjoy the video.
March 7, 2010
It's been an exciting last week and a bit for us. Kya has started to crawling, wave, and also, as you will see in this video, that she's starting to say "mama" with the ocassional "papa". She's definately at the cutest stage right now. Enjoy this vid, and I'll have crawling ones up soon.
March 6, 2010
Happy Birthday Mama!

Happy Birthday to the mother of my child and my boyz, and the greatest wife there can be. It is an exciting time right now in our lives with Kya learning to crawl, say "mama" (and the occassional "papa"), waving, and sorting our dvds/cds, that I still teasure every moment with you since the day we met. Happy Birthday baby, hope you enjoy your special day we have planned.
Love you lots,
Kya, Pogi, Tater, and Me :)
February 21, 2010
A visit to Kenora/Winnipeg
February 18, 2010
We are the world..
25 years ago, this was one of my favourite songs/videos and 25 years later, it still is. check out the remix they've done, it cool to see this much talent all in one room for one song. the best part is all the all tuning they use... don't think that was around 25 years ago. haha.
February 10, 2010
Go for a walk
With Valentine's Day on the horizon, I thought to myself "wouldn't it be nice to make a video of a couple I know for V-Day?" So I put my plan in action. Can you guess who the couple are?
January 31, 2010
Who throws a shoe??
One of the greatest feelings is being able to make your child laugh. Here's a time when she found throwing her shoe at her really funny.
January 24, 2010
January 12, 2010
Here's a little Peek-a-boo session with Kya. She gets tired of it by the end, but still cute.
January 8, 2010
Kya's 1st Christmas
Here's probably my favourite video of Kya. I say that because she sings throughout most of the videos. There was a couple weeks where she'll just sing and sing, it makes us smile and laugh no matter what we were doing. I just wish you were all here to see it. Enjoy.
January 2, 2010
Better Late Than Never...
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